
Common problem


    First, how to place an order

  1. The official website orders

  Enter the official website of Cambodia ZTO Express: www.kh.zto.com, click on the official website [Online Mail] menu, fill in the mailing information.

  2. WeChat public number orders

  Pay attention to the official public number of "ZTO Express Cambodia", enter the [Check the mail] menu, click [Send] to fill in the mailing information.

    Second, how to fill in the address

      1. Fill in the address

  2. Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce platform address fill in


    Third, how to query logistics information

    1. Official website inquiry

  Enter the official website of Cambodian Express: www.kh.zto.com, enter the courier number

    2. WeChat public number inquiry

  Enter [ZTO Express Cambodia] WeChat public number, find the [Check] submenu under the [Check Mail] menu, click to enter the inquiry page, enter the courier number.

    3. Telephone enquiry

  Call customer service hotline: 066666088 to contact customer service, provide name, contact number, express order number, manual customer service can help inquiries. Manual customer service hours: 8:30 - 17:30 (Cambodian time), manual customer service will not reply outside working hours.

    Fourth, how to query the network information

    1. Official website inquiry

  Enter the official website of Cambodia ZTO Express: www.kh.zto.com, find the [Dot Query] submenu under the [Query Service] menu, click to get the address, contact number and other detailed information of the outlet.

    2. WeChat public number inquiry

  Enter [ZTO Express Cambodia] WeChat public number, find the [Network Information] submenu under the [Service Guide] menu, click to get the address, contact number and other detailed information of the outlet.

    3. Telephone consultation

  Call customer service hotline: 066666088 to contact customer service, customer service can inform the network of detailed information. Manual customer service hours: 8:30 - 17:30 (Cambodian time), manual customer service will not reply outside working hours.

    Fifth, what should I do if I have not received the shipment?

  There are two situations in which a customer does not receive a shipment:

        1. The customer's shipping information is not filled in correctly, resulting in the failure to contact the customer, unable to send the piece;

        2. The lost mail is lost, generally this situation is impossible. If you have not received the shipment after the expiration date. Customers can contact Phnom Penh Headquarters through customer service phone number and WeChat public account. If it is case 1, the customer will provide the correct address and contact number again, we will reschedule the delivery; if it is case 2, we will negotiate the claim according to the delivery commitment.

    Sixth, how to complain

    1. Telephone complaint

  Call customer: 06666088, explain the situation to the customer service and provide evidence. Within 1-3 business days, we will make corresponding punishments and continuously improve our deficiencies.

    2. WeChat public complaint

  Enter [ZTO Express Cambodia] WeChat public account, enter the questions you want to complain, and provide corresponding evidence. Within 1-3 working days, we will make corresponding punishments and continuously improve our deficiencies.